1. Myeg Check Saman
  2. Renew Lesen Memandu Online Registration

Jangan risau, selagi lesen memandu anda belum tamat tempoh setahun anda masih boleh renew lesen tu. Tetapi sekiranya lesen tamat tempoh melebihi 3 tahun, anda perlu membuat rayuan secara online, bersurat atau datang sendiri ke Pejabat JPJ/Cawangan.

Jan 09, 2015  Servis MYEG memudahkan rakyat Malaysia renew lesen memandu kenderaan secara atas talian (online). Dalam 10 minit, lesen memandu anda berjaya di perbaharui, tanpa perlu keluar bersesak di pejabat POS dan sebagainya. 205 thoughts on “ Tutorial renew lesen memandu penuh & belajar memandu “L” di pejabat pos ” ulfa July 8, 2014. Tpy klau mcm kta daaa ad lesen l n daa llus ujian jpj just tnggl ujian bukit jerw blom testtpy lesen kta daaa tamat tempoh 3bulan.mcm mna?

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Myeg Check Saman

NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENT ADDITIONAL MANDATORY FOMEMA MEDICAL EXAMINATION FOR FOREIGN WORKERS/MAIDSDear Valued Customers,All foreign workers/maids will need to undergo compulsory FOMEMA medical examination and additional check-up effective 1st January 2018.FOMEMA is now required on the 5th, 7th and 9th year of renewal until the foreign worker returns home. Similarly for maids, FOMEMA is required on alternate years starting from the 5th year onwards as long as they remain employed in Malaysia.Click here (/)DISCONTINUATION OF CDL RENEWAL SLIP TRANSACTIONDear Valued Customers,The current laminated CDL renewal slip has ceased to be in service effective 1st January 2018. We look forward to serve you with the enhanced and improved version of Malaysia Driving License (LMM - Lesen Memandu Malaysia) soon.Now you can pay your zakat to ZAKAT MELAKA (ZM) through our web portal. Phishing (pronounced 'fishing') is an electronic scam that attempts to obtain confidential personal or financial information from its target.

It takes the form of a fake e-mail, which appears to be from a financial institution or service provider. The message usually includes the company name, logo and a link to a website which instructs you to update your information by providing your account details or personal information with a dire warning if action isn't taken. A phisher can then use your personal information to commit fraud.In order to avoid becoming a victim of a phishing scam, you need to know what to look for.

Renew Lesen Memandu Online Registration

Sample: Phising Email. In a typical phishing case, you will receive an e-mail that appears to come from a reputable company such as your financial institution, government agency, or a credit card company. While some e-mails are easily identified as fraudulent, others may appear to come from a legitimate address and trusted online source.

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