Diamond Minecart Mods Download
0 SharesSwimming around in the Westin Calgary pool, we were both happy as clams. My son loves Minecraft (especially computer version) and asked if he could get a new MOD (translated to ‘modification of the original – I think). Personally knowing the student who had told him about add-ons to Minecraft, I was skeptical but decided to be open-minded. Daddy and I would research the MOD to see if it was appropriate.Pushing me, my son explained that you could get a girlfriend and make ‘it’ do things.
'How to install Minecraft Mods in 6 easy steps. No.jar editing needed!' - SUBSCRIBE! - http://bit.ly/TxtGm8. Explore Ashley Jones's board 'THE DIAMOND MINECART' on Pinterest. See more ideas about The diamond minecart, Minecraft mods and Tdm minecraft.
He insisted his friend said there was a that would explain it. And he wanted me to watch it NOW.I looked and there were no age restrictions, so we watched it together.For ten minutes.And my heart sank deeper and deeper and I knew that we’d entered tech hell, a place that I may have to go back to school to understand because I can’t be a great parent without a full understanding of that world.In the video (that was like a gender-biased, sexist train wreck I couldn’t stop watching), I learned that ‘mail-order girlfriends’ emerge from a box shipped to the miner. They do your bidding and their weapons are shoes tossed at the creepers. If you like, you can give them a sword but must take it back promptly. They are tamed with a rose and will do what you tell them once they are in love with you. You can dress them in 16 different outfits and if you draw them to water. Wait for it they will change into a bikini!
Xps mapping vs imaging computer. Would this matter at all? I've given up on PXE booting since my USB 3.0 to ethernet doesn't show up as a bootable device and there's not even any indication of a network boot option or PXE in the BIOS anymore. I've seen people use certain brands (Startech) of USB 2.0 to ethernet adapters but the new XPS 13 doesn't come with USB 2.0.
(Of which there are many styles as well). Building a dance floor of 5×5 bricks will compel them to dance for you to ensure your happiness. And finally, to break up with these creatures you just have to give them a dead bush.
Hopefully the symbolism isn’t evident to my son.I was silent. I asked my son how he would feel if it was me who got out of the box.
He said he wouldn’t like it, but if you marry them with a diamond you can get a baby from inventory and even eat dinner together. At a table in a restaurant.I explained that he had not done anything wrong, but that this particular MOD divided genders and included harmful thoughts about women. He still begged to get it and promised he’d never treat a girl like that in real life.So I guess he realizes some of the negatives. But the weaponry, clothing changes and newness is still too enticing.
And now I’m petrified.This video has over 6 million views. Developers such as Thecart make or simply video and explain the workings of these MODS. They are certainly not screened for content. Parents who may think their child is playing ‘Minecraft’ has no idea about the can of worms introduced by coders who want to extend the range of the game.So much for work.
I’ll be looking over his shoulder from now on. And before he can download ANY SIM? He has to learn how to code and build the damn thing himself if he’s still interested. (Hopefully it will take a few years). There was a great article on Babble about. Spanish can wait. Coding and the reinforcement of gender equality are next on the list.
And just because you trust what you read about Minecraft and it’s developers, be careful not to consider all-things-Minecraft as kid-appropriate.In the meantime? Any advice on how to deal with the family of the 7-year old who hyped the Girlfriend Mod would be much appreciated.by Jill Amery.
My son is also a minecraft junkie. If i could turn back time, i’d go back to before minecraft entered our lives. To me this game is filled with too many weird things. I don’t see the appeal at all.
My son also likes to watch youtube videos of other people playing it. Those videos are one million times worse. Grown men playing video games and taping themselves is creepy by itself let alone the language they use while playing. If he wants to watch that anymore its with the volume off and we’ve extended that to the game.
He hasn’t brought up this MOD yet but when he does i’ll be ready. I agree that this particular mod is inappropriate but Minecraft IS a fun game, and the men AND women that make YouTube videos aren’t rapists or child abductors, they are creating entertainment for people that like to watch others play a video game (that the don’t own, aren’t good at, or just like the commentary of). I don’t like this mod; I believe in equality, but the people making videos aren’t bad people because they make videos, half of them (at least) get paid for it. I watch YouTube videos for commentary (the stuff they say) because they are amusing and (no offense) but having an opinion of all YouTube in a collective is contradictory to your equality stance; I have friends that are YouTubers (as they are called) and they are good people, heck one of them (MarkiplierGAME aka Mark) has charity drive videos and make thousands of dollars.Adding an apposing stand point on all subjects since 1998 – Keenan. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.
How to “use” her? Throwing shoes as defense? A girlfriend as your “minion?”People say we’ve come so far with women’s rights. This is at least as bad as those games of “witches” we played in grade school where the boys would catch us and whip our legs with tree branches, huh?Thanks for bringing my attention to this.
It will be interesting to see my husband’s reaction to the video. He will probably dismiss it as no big deal. I, on the other hand, will be restricting the boys’ Minecraft access even more than we already do.
It’s their favourite, and I won’t be popular.To think I had a problem with the livestock requirement (can’t we be vegatarians if we want to in this game?)Sigh. Minecraft (without mods) = fine (better than fine) Mods are the problem not the game, don’t a kids favorite toy away when its the mods added that make it bad. Where’s the appeal? Not to a woman in hr twenties (or older) or moms, but to kids and teens and what not; it is for anyone who likes it.
Minecraft is way better than the stuff your kids could be doing now and days; anyone hear about Call of Duty, Dead Space, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, other games you can find on the internet, plus pornography. Taking away this game only open doors to much much worse. This is the age of Technology mothers, and technology will be used; hiding your children from the inevitable will only through them into the unknown when they leave.
Generation X is here and is here to stay, change is going to happen if you like it or not; parents need to learn about what the real dangers to your kids are and not just wall off everything. Apologies for rambling on but everyone needs to see everything from every angle, stand point, and opinion if equality is going to happen. Don’t think of a hsband as any less a teacher than you or visa versa, you both are humans with experience and intelligence; that is what matters. As a minecrafter myself, I know what the moding community is like. Just as all situations, people blow things out of proportion quite a bit.
The red flag is a good sign you are a good parent and I didn’t read all of the article to spare my temperament with the majority of parents bashing something they didn’t understand in the first place. Might I direct your attention to the site minecraftedu.com. This is a team of inspirational, dedicated staff that make learning fun. By using the mod in minecraft, kids are learning the coded language of DOS that you had to know in the early development of everything technological. Now the Girlfriend mod is something no different from the Helpful Villagers mod.
It has the same features, without bikinis and changing clothes, and you are hiring a helper. The Little Maid mod is one of my favorites because the new NPCs will cook for you.
But i’m trailing on. The point is, I applaud you for monitoring what mods your child uses, if any, and I’m happy there are still adults out there that do. But I haven’t seen many real good articles from parents about the game, and it usually comes from blown out of the water irrationalizing.
May not be a word but you get the point. Learn the vanilla game. Look into mods. Prep yourself with knowledge. That’s the best way to handle it. Not writing articles. And maybe ask a mature Minecrafter.
One that ISN’T obsessed. Moderation is key.
Minecraft Diamond Dimension Mod Download
Too much of anything is bad. Other than reading the bible. That you can do forever.
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