1. Diare Pada Bayi
  2. Contoh Askep Diare
Contoh Makalah Askep Diare Pada Anak

Makalah tentang Diare Asuhan Keperawatan Diare. Bila ditinjau dari indicator kesehatan maka masalah utama kesehatan anak di Indonesia adalah masih tingginya morbilitas dan mortalitas pada golongan bayi dan balita.

Frequencyof Bronchopneumonia in Children With Survival Interval Before Death Manychildren do not survive after presentation in extremis. Some survive varyingintervals and are found to have bronchopneumonia at death.

The question israised whether bronchopneumonia is a consequence of survival rather than theinitiating disease leading to collapse. A prospective study of the deaths of156 children divided them into two groups: 80 children with head injury and 76with causes of death other than sudden infant death syndrome. In 43 of thetotal group of children, bronchopneumonia was found. In the total group, 76survived more than a day.

Of these 39 had bronchopneumonia, 32 died of headinjury, and 7 had other causes of death. Of the children surviving less than aday, 4 had bronchopneumonia at death—only 1 with head injury. Ifbronchopneumonia is present, it is more likely to have developed after thecollapse than to have caused it in this population. Onehundred seventy-five of nearly 400 deaths of young children investigated at theDallas County Medical Examiner’s Office from 1982 to 1989 were studiedprospectively. Case selection depended on random assignment of cases and on theprosector’s willingness to participate in the study. Nineteen pathologistscontributed one or more cases each by the end of case collection.

All childdeaths were equally likely to be included in the study. The deaths includeddiagnoses of child abuse, suspected child abuse, apparent accidental trauma,and apparent natural death. History, autopsy findings, and ocular findings weregathered and reviewed for the more general study.

Diare Pada Bayi

Theimmediate rather than the underlying cause of death was chosen to select thesubgroup. Children whose immediate cause of death was head injury were selectedfor comparison with the remainder of the group. Head injury included bothabusive and nonabusive head injury. Three children whose underlying cause ofdeath was head injury were included in “other causes.” In these children, theimmediate cause of death was a consequence of the head injury but death came bya different mechanism than in the remainder of the head-injured group. Bronchopneumoniawas identified at autopsy in 43 of this group of children. Head injuryaccounted for 33 of the deaths (77%).

Contoh Askep Diare


Most of these children (32) survived morethan a day after the initial presentation. The bronchopneumonia found atautopsy developed after the collapse. One child with abusive head injuries wasfound dead. This child had bronchopneumonia as well as other abusive injuries,which would not have been immediately fatal. The abusive injuries could wellhave been associated with aspiration before collapse. The bronchopneumonia wasnot sufficient to cause death.

Theother 10 children (23%) found to have bronchopneumonia at autopsy did not dieof head injury. The causes of death of 7 children of these children survivingmore than a day included respiratory disease, 3; nontraumatic brain disease, 2;delayed death after an asphyxial event, 1; and gastrointestinal disease, 1.

Theother 3 of the 10 children were found dead or did not survive attempts atresuscitation. The deaths of 2 of them were attributed to respiratory causes.The third died an asphyxial death while he was recovering from abusivefractures of both legs. The circumstances of this child’s death could haveincluded aspiration.

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